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Featured Artist

Featured Favorites Subscription

Sign up today and become a CC featured artist! All featured artists have exclusive access to our most valued community perks!

How it works:

Subscribing will take just a few moments. Please read each subscription package carefully. Once you have decided, click the tier you'd like to sign up for and finish the checkout process.

In addition to being featured on our storefront, galleries, and pop-up shops, you will receive free samples of your work each month and guarantee yourself a spot in our Featured Favorites Subscription box!

We are pleased to announce our new subscription plan!

In subscribing, you will help support our art community and have access to new, unique features, including our best-loved College Collections apparel and art.

How it works:

Subscribing will take just a few moments. Please read each subscription package carefully. Once you have decided, click the tier you'd like to sign up for, choose from this months exclusive product options, and enter your information.

Each month, you'll receive an email from us that will contain the new offers for your subscription tier. If you don't feel like choosing, no problem! Our design team will choose one that you will love!

Professional - College Collections Art

Sold out

Included with the Intro plan

Start small and get to know the team with our introductory plan.

Get your own Featured Artist Profile started with an assortment of products including prints, and merchandise.

One free sample every other month with discounts given on any additional samples ordered.

Your products are eligible to be included in The Featured Favorites Subscription box that goes out to our community each month.

Free marketing materials and exposure to our community of 10,000+ and growing!

Beginner - College Collections Art

Sold out

Included with the Beginner plan

Everything that's included with Introductory plus:

Customize your profile's products and include originals for sale

Dedicated account manager to help guide your passion into a consistent revenue stream.

One free sample every month with discounts given on any additional samples ordered.

Products are guaranteed to be included in The Featured Favorites Subscription box that goes out to our community each month.

Professional - College Collections Art

Sold out

Included with the Pro plan

Everything that's included with Beginner plus:

Customizable artist profile with one-on-one design sessions.

Start taking your art seriously with a dedicated business professional offering guidance as creating becomes your career.

Multiple free samples per month of your choosing.

Guarantee your products to be included in The Featured Favorites Subscription box.

Your profile will be included in our Paid advertising campaigns run on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and more!